I am an active developer and maintainer of several projects in the Python data science community, as well as a reviewer for the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS), NeurIPS (via LatinXinAI membership) and CSET.

See my GitHub profile for further details.


FakeFinder DeepFake Toolkit

FakeFinder is a modular framework for evaluating deepfake detection models, including a web app and API.

BirdsEye - RL on RF

BirdsEye is a modular framework for evaluating the efficacy of tracking radio frequency signals using reinforcement learning methods.

COVID Diagnostic Accuracy Tool

Dash App to support health professionals calculate and visualize diagnostic testing accuracy and associated uncertainties.

  • GitHub repo
  • Blog-post documenting release of Dash App
  • Joint Webinar with Plotly about the importance of communication between data scientists and relevant domain experts


PyTorch implementation of ClusterGAN


Python package for performing statistical deconvolution.

Charged Particle Propagation Visualization

Python tool for visualizing charged particle propagation in the Earth’s magnetic field.

Rotational Convolution Layer

Implementation of a rotating convolutional kernel operation in TensorFlow.


Python package for security in machine learning applications, specifically model attacks and defenses.

  • GitHub repo
  • Documentation forthcoming.